qEEG Brain Map

Eavesdropping on the Secret Whispers of Your Brain ...

No, a qEEG Brain Map is not capable of getting at your private thoughts, dreams, or personal secrets. A brainmap cannot do any mind-reading. A qEEG Brain Map also does not rate your cleverness or intelligence.

A qEEG Brain Map is about much deeper non-conscious biological layers of your existence. It's an eavesdropping on your Brain's continuous effort to direct your entire organism here and now towards optimal health and wellbeing.

A qEEG Brain Map goes far beyond the level of your conscious awareness. It hints at what systemic functional difficulties of your body and mind your brain presently may have to deal with. This makes a qEEG Brain Map a unique tool to understand better, what's really up with you.

Here is how a qEEG Brain Map is created:


Among other means to direct the organism, the brain plays a continuous complex electromagnetic symphony produced by its orchestra of 90 billion musicians, the neurons. The symphony is called brainwaves, the audience the 40 trillion cells of your body.

Loudness, pace, and mood of the music are carefully directed by your Brain. They vary greatly as they reflect your momentary state of being - energetic, healthy, happy, joyful, relaxed or exhausted, troubled, stressed, anxious, sad, depressed, hurt etc.

qEEG - Quantitative EEG

To understand the secret electromagnetic language of the brain, a raw EEG recording is mathematically processed. The wide range of the recorded "music" is filtered so that individual "tones" can be evaluated.

These tones are called brainwave-bands and are labelled with Greek letters: Delta, Theta, Alpha, Beta and Gamma band. The average loudness and pitch of of each brainwave-band as well as many other parameters are measured (quantified). The resulting set of mathematical data is called Quantitative EEG or qEEG

However, a qEEG Brain Map itself is just a huge collection of detailed graphs and figures, which, as such, do not have much meaning.

To make any practical sense of a qEEG Brain Map, an interpreter must have an expert understanding of the Brain's incredibly complex job of continuously coordinating every organ of the body.

From qEEG Brain Map to qEEG Brain Profile

A qEEG Brain Map provides unique information that cannot be acquired by any other means. It is an important piece in the puzzle. It adds the word "qEEG" to "Brain Profile".

To make beneficial sense of your Brain Map I need to understand it in the context of your life.

I collect additional information about your life history and circumstances, actual stress load, your sleep performance, diet, etc. that are always a major concern of your Brain. I employ additional standardized assessment tools such as the ASP Sleep Profile among others.

I interpret the combined information and create your personal qEEG Brain Profile, which allows me to show you what's really up from the point of view of your Brain, who at all times definitely knows best.